Whatever your interests, you can participate in a variety of learning opportunities throughout the year. From informal ‘Shabbas Shmoozes’  to workshops and hevruta/partner study, members share their skills and talents on topics ranging from Exploring Holidays, Learning to Leyn Torah, to the History of Genetics, Whaletales, and much more.

Weekly Torah Discussion

Every Shabbat morning 9:15-10:15 a.m.

Join this lively Torah study and discussion led by Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Rabbi Phyllis Berman, and other P’nai Or members. Come delve more deeply into each week’s parasha (reading for the week). No prior Hebrew or Torah study experience is required. Just an inquiring mind!


“What really turned me on to P’nai Or was that it made – and continues to make – Torah come alive.”
Janet Neufeld

Shabbos Schmooze

Scheduled occasionally after the Shabbat potluck.

One way to meet others is to join members and invited guests in discussions teachings about liturgy, holidays, music, and more.

More information

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi Yahrzeit Gathering

by Gabbai Seth Fishman | Jewish Renewal Hasidus

Beit Midrash Study Opportunities

Study text, prayer, history, and ritual.  Enjoy studying as peers in the tradition of ‘chevruta’ where participants learn together. Or find new ways to encounter Jewish sources through music and movement. Look for topics and dates throughout the year.

Stimulating  and participatory workshops and lectures are led by guest teachers. Past Scholar-in-Residence Maggids have included

  • Rabbi Ira Stone  Introduction to Mussar
  • Professor Joel Hecker  The Torah of Food
  • Maggid Yitzhak Buxbaum  An Evening of Stories from Our Tradition
  • Daniel Sapon  The Prayer of Shofar: Blowing for the High Holidays
March 15, 2015

Studying at P’nai Or with guest Rabbi, R. Yehoshua Duskis where he taught about his zeydi Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi’s book Psalms in Translation for Praying.

Check this page and our Events page regularly for ways to learn with us.