Shabbat Mornings
In-Person and Interactive Zoom
Learn here: About our P’nai Or siddurim
Download Rabbi Marcia Prager’s Shabbat Morning Siddur
Listen to Hazzan Jack and Rabbi Marcia sing and davven a Shabbat Morning Service
Weekly archive of Rabbi Marcia Prager’s Divrei Torah and Hazzan Jack Kessler’s Torah readings.
If you want to show your appreciation for the Siddur, you can click on this DONATE button.
A weekly time for rejuvenation, study, and awesome prayer with new and old friends.
9:15-10:15 am • Torah study and discussion Delve into each week’s parasha (reading for the week) led by Rabbi Arthur Waskow, Phyllis Berman, and other P’nai Or members. No prior Hebrew or Torah study experience is required. Just an inquiring mind!
10:30 am • Shabbat morning davvenen, led by Rabbi Marcia Prager, Hazzan Jack Kessler, and members of the community with great music, chanting, and silence in a morning of Hebrew and English prayer. The Torah service, a blend of discussion and other creative offerings, invites us to make connections to our personal lives. Various instruments add spirit to this community gathering
1:00 pm • All are welcome to stay afterwards for our communal potluck veggie/dairy meal.
2:00 pm • After lunch, members stay for various gatherings, teachings and our delightful ‘Shabbas Shmooze’.
P’nai Or uses the siddurim/prayerbooks created by Rabbi Marcia Prager. Copies of the siddurim and a CD of the melodies may be ordered directly through her website at http://www.marciaprager.com/catalog/1.
Shabbas Shmooze
2:00 After the davennen you can participate in an Interactive Zoom discussion.
To join the shmooze, please refer to your member email.
Please read these Online Etiquette Guidelines.
Musical Kabbalat Shabbat Service
P’nai Or’ s weekly gathering is regularly on Shabbat MORNING.
However, from time to time we are delighted to also gather for a joyful and soulful musical Kabbalat Shabbat with contemporary melodies, traditional liturgy, and meditation.
Check our calendar!
Shabbat Music
Many of the chants and melodies we use in our Shabbat services have been created by talented Jewish Renewal musicians.
- A unique 2-cd set of favorite P’nai Or melodies and davvenen has been recorded by Rabbi Marcia and Hazzan Jack.
You can order it from this weblink:
P’nai Or Shabbat 2-CD Set | Rabbi Marcia Prager
- You can learn more about Hebrew chant and familiarize yourself with the music of Rabbi Shefa Gold here.
- Some of the music of Nava Tehilah Ensemble is available on YouTube.
But the best way to learn is to come davven at P’nai Or. The music uplifts your soul, and is easy to learn.