​P’nai Or Philadelphia Renewing Judaism as it Renews Us….

Welcome to Our Jewish Renewal Community!

Davven with us!

Celebrate life changes with us!

Celebrate High Holy Days with us!

Learn with us!

Join in Tikkun Olam with us!

Study and Renew with us!

Enjoy the Seasons with us!

Help feed the hungry with us!

High Holydays 5785

Together with P’nai Or Philadelphia for High Holydays 5785

In-Person and Zoom

Click here for the Schedule

Click here to register on Eventbrite

The P’nai Or Philadelphia Community warmly welcomes you to our High Holyday services! Our services will be led this year by Rabbi Malkah Binah Klein, our High Holyday Rabbi, and by Rebekah Robinson, our Cantorial Leader, as well as other musical friends and congregational leaders. Join us for a gentle, heart-opening journey into the New Year.

We will gather in person in our spacious High Holyday room, the Fellowship Hall of Summit Presbyterian Church (Westview Street entrance near Greene Street, in West Mt. Airy, Philadelphia 19119). Our prayer space is wheelchair accessible. We invite those who are not able to join us in person to Zoom in from wherever you are (with opportunity for connection with the other Zoomers).

All are welcome, no matter your race, sexual orientation, marital status, age, political views, disability, gender.

Bring your children to the Erev Rosh Hashanah service and Tashlich at Saylor Grove. Our Erev Rosh Hashanah service is appropriate for all ages and includes music, singing, dancing, and a story. The tashlich service at Saylor Grove will also be a lovely time to be together as a family in community. If you need childcare for the other, adult-oriented services, please email elissayaffe@yahoo.com with their names and ages.

Click here to register on Eventbrite


Drum and Chant

Drum and Chant Circle

A monthly gathering the last Shabbos of each month at 5 pm. Led by Erich DeHaven and spiritual drum mavinim!


In-Person in the Common Room of Summit Church (Greene St. entrance, through the double red doors). Explore the blend of voice and skillful use of improvisational percussion to engage us in deepening the journey of Jewish prayer, song and chant. Or dance and move to the rhythms! Not necessary to have a drum. RSVP to ErichDeHaven@gmail.com.

Next Drum and Chant Circles:
5:00 pm ET
June 29
July 27
August 31
September 28 (6:00) In-Person and Zoom

(dates subject to change)

Disability & Inclusion Access

P’nai Or strives to raise awareness of and respond to the diverse needs and concerns of our members.  Given the limitations of a historic building design, we work to identify how to be of maximal assistance to anyone with special needs. To discuss your questions for accessing our activities or to share about your inclusion needs and how we can welcome your involvement at P’nai Or, please email our rabbi Pnaiorrabbi@aol.com

All Are Welcome…

Join Us For…

Arthur & Phyllis

Torah Study From Home

9:15-10:15 Reb Arthur Waskow guides our Torah study on Zoom in a unique Interactive Zoom session for discussion of this week’s parshah and how it relates to us.

To join the conversation, please refer to your member email. If you are a new participant, please read this.

Davvenen In-Person & Interactive Zoom

1. We welcome you wherever you are. Come join us at Summit Church or on Zoom.

  • 10:30-12:00 ET P’nai Or Shabbbat Morning Shacharit.
  • 12:00-1:00 ET Torah Service with breakout discussion and closing prayer.
  • 1:00 ET Pot Luck Lunch

2. For an archive of past week Torah readings click here.

3. Yizkor
P’nai Or Philadelphia Yizkor Service
Printable Yizkor Prayers

To enhance your experience of our Pnai Or Shabbat Morning service, download Rabbi Marcia Prager’s Shabbat Morning Siddur.

For more information, please email Batya Segura.

Shabbas Shmooze on Zoom

2:30 After the davennen you can participate in a separate LIVE interactive discussion Shabbas Shmooze, on Zoom.

To join the shmooze, please refer to your member email.

Please read these Online Etiquette Guidelines.

Come as you are!

  • If you are Jewish but don’t know what that means, you are welcome.
  • Whether or not you believe in God, or if you struggle with your beliefs, or even if you’re not sure what to believe, you are welcome.
  • If you have become disconnected from your Jewish roots, no matter how far back they may go, you are welcome.
  • If you are not Jewish but something in you loves something about Judaism, you are welcome.
  • If you have traversed other spiritual paths and are still seeking spiritual nourishment and community, you are welcome.
  • if you love being Jewish and are searching for something deeper, you are welcome!

Just come as you are! Be comfortable, questioning, curious, and find something new for you…

For more information, please email Batya Segura.

Staying Safe – A Mitzvah

Dr Cannuscio an epidemiologist at Penn shared that in creating alternatives to in-person worship  all houses of worship have it in their power to save many lives. And in Judaism this is a mitzvah.

B’emunah in faith
R. Marcia, Tobie Hoffman, and Rich Heiberger

P’nai Or in the News!


LBMTQ Safe Zone

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  • P’nai Or Philadelphia’s davvenen/prayer style is upbeat, celebratory and participatory, blending Hebrew and English song and chant with opportunities for reflection and sharing.
  • We are a welcoming and diverse Jewish Renewal Community, a member of Keshet, working for the full equality and inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Jews in Jewish life.
  • P’nai Or Philadelphia is a member of ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal, a world-wide organization which advances vital Judaism as an ethical and spiritual path.
  • We meet in the Community Wing of Summit Presbyterian Church, 6757 Greene St. #110, Philadelphia, PA 19119 in the West Mt. Airy neighborhood of NW Philadelphia.  Find us.

Website designed by Rivkah Walton. No photos on this website were taken on Shabbat or Yom Tov.

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