Chanukah Party and Shuk

Tues, Dec. 27, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Channukah! | The P’nai Or-chestra played. We sang and lit candles! We created a ‘pop-up’ market (shuk) of handcrafted and vintage items, books, cd’s… old and new treasures of all kinds. Light One Candle Chanukah Bamba More...

Martin Luther King Shabbat

January 15-16 ♦ Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat ♦ morning Torah study ♦ Shabbat davvenen infused with the music of the civil rights movement ♦ Stay for an afternoon teaching and Tikkun Olam gathering.   

Torah Repair Project One Year Later

Sunday, Dec. 18, 10:00 a.m. Rabbi Kevin Hale, who repaired our damaged Torah last year, returns for a workshop followed by a potluck lunch and then an afternoon of more work on our Torahs during which time we can watch, write some Torah, ask questions and hang out....

Tisha B’av

Saturday August 13| 8:30 p.m. Silent Meditation | 9:00 p.m. Gather for readings, chants, recitation of the traditional Eicha/Lamentations, and communal outpouring of our own cries of mourning and anguishIf you want to set the spiritual container for the evening, join...

Majidullah Congregation Fellowship

Sunday, March 13 – “The Importance of Education in Islam” at the mosque Shabbat, March 19 – “Islam, Religious Practices, and History of the Majidullah Congregation” Friday, March 25 – Attend a prayer service at the mosque More...

Personalized Eshet Chayil

February 21 ♦ 11:30 – 2ish ♦ Create an original Eyshet Chayil, “Woman of Valor,” poem of praise ♦ Pre-register at Create an original Eyshet Chayil, “Woman of Valor,” poem of praise that you would want read to you, or that you...

Spontaneous Jewish Choir

First Thursday Feb 4 ♦ 7:30 pm ♦ Joey Weisenberg’s Spontaneous Jewish Choir Spiritual Sounds Laboratories ♦ workshop and explore new Jewish Spirituals.  Suggested donation $10-15| This is a chance to experience new music as it’s coming into being, and to be a part of...

Martin Luther King Day Events

Saturday Jan 16, 7:00 pm Reverend Dr. F. Willis Johnson Monday Jan 18 Volunteer Opportunities all day Jan 21-23 Workshop on Racial Justice details on all activities…

Tying Tzitzit

What is a Tallit? How do we tie Tzitzit? ♦ Sunday Nov.22 2015 – Rabbi Marcia Prager ♦ Register at ♦ Small cost to buy tzizit donations welcome for all Beit Midrash sessions P’nai Or Beit Midrash Room (small cost to buy tzitzit) • If you have a...

Lord’s Prayer as A Jewish Prayer

Rabbi Marcia Prager| Study this Jewish Prayer (yes, really!!) in Hebrew and Aramaic. You will be delighted and surprised! Date: Monday evening October 26 and Nov. 2. At the home of Amy and Jean on Germantown Ave in W.Mt.Airy. • Pre-register at...