Tues, Dec. 27, 7:00-9:00 p.m. Channukah! | The P’nai Or-chestra played. We sang and lit candles! We created a ‘pop-up’ market (shuk) of handcrafted and vintage items, books, cd’s… old and new treasures of all kinds. Light One Candle Chanukah Bamba More...
January 15-16 ♦ Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat ♦ morning Torah study ♦ Shabbat davvenen infused with the music of the civil rights movement ♦ Stay for an afternoon teaching and Tikkun Olam gathering.
Sunday, Dec. 18, 10:00 a.m. Rabbi Kevin Hale, who repaired our damaged Torah last year, returns for a workshop followed by a potluck lunch and then an afternoon of more work on our Torahs during which time we can watch, write some Torah, ask questions and hang out....
Saturday August 13| 8:30 p.m. Silent Meditation | 9:00 p.m. Gather for readings, chants, recitation of the traditional Eicha/Lamentations, and communal outpouring of our own cries of mourning and anguishIf you want to set the spiritual container for the evening, join...
Tikkun Olam
Sunday, March 13 – “The Importance of Education in Islam” at the mosque Shabbat, March 19 – “Islam, Religious Practices, and History of the Majidullah Congregation” Friday, March 25 – Attend a prayer service at the mosque More...
Cultural Events
February 21 ♦ 11:30 – 2ish ♦ Create an original Eyshet Chayil, “Woman of Valor,” poem of praise ♦ Pre-register at janneufeld@aol.com Create an original Eyshet Chayil, “Woman of Valor,” poem of praise that you would want read to you, or that you...
First Thursday Feb 4 ♦ 7:30 pm ♦ Joey Weisenberg’s Spontaneous Jewish Choir Spiritual Sounds Laboratories ♦ workshop and explore new Jewish Spirituals. Suggested donation $10-15| This is a chance to experience new music as it’s coming into being, and to be a part of...
Tikkun Olam
Saturday Jan 16, 7:00 pm Reverend Dr. F. Willis Johnson Monday Jan 18 Volunteer Opportunities all day Jan 21-23 Workshop on Racial Justice details on all activities…
What is a Tallit? How do we tie Tzitzit? ♦ Sunday Nov.22 2015 – Rabbi Marcia Prager ♦ Register at PnaiOrRabbi@aol.com ♦ Small cost to buy tzizit donations welcome for all Beit Midrash sessions P’nai Or Beit Midrash Room (small cost to buy tzitzit) • If you have a...
Learning Together
Rabbi Marcia Prager| Study this Jewish Prayer (yes, really!!) in Hebrew and Aramaic. You will be delighted and surprised! Date: Monday evening October 26 and Nov. 2. At the home of Amy and Jean on Germantown Ave in W.Mt.Airy. • Pre-register at...