P’nai Or Philadelphia members support each other throughout the life-cycle, through events such as–
- Brit Milah/Simchat Bat/Baby Namings
- Pidyon HaBen
- Bar/BatMitzvah
- Engagements
- Aufrufs & Weddings
- Major Birthdays & Other Simchas
- Funerals & Bereavement
Whether a simcha or a time of illness or sorrow, the P’nai Or Caring Group looks after the wellbeing of our community. Contact PnaiOrCaring@yahoogroups.com for loving attention to your needs.
For more information about celebrating life-cycle events, contact Rabbi Marcia Prager at pnaiorrabbi@aol.com or by calling 215-849-9227. We look forward to celebrating with you!

“It was wonderful to dedicate my home surrounded by my community.”