Sunday Dec. 22 5-8 pm Our Chanukah celebration will be a wonderful event, made even more wonderful by a return of our Chanukah “Shuk” (the Middle-Eastern word for Market). The P’nai Or-chestra will play! …bring your...
The Sweetest High Holy Days are at P’nai Or. Schedule Membership Form Non-Member Pledge Form The High Holy Days at P’nai Or are Jewish renewal at its best! A gathering unlike anything you may have ever experienced unfolds every year, as P’nai Or offers High...
The Sweetest High Holy Days are at P’nai Or in West Mt. Airy We gather each year for the High Holy Days in the Fellowship Hall of Summit Church, 6757 Greene St. near the corner of Westview in the West Mt. Airy neighborhood of Philadelphia. The High Holy Days at...
Davven’-and-Dance Monday Oct. 21, 7:30 – 8:30ish Dance the “Mystical Dances of the Sefirot | Be Happy! Have fun! Celebrate! It is a Party! |Bring nosh and drinks and wear your dancin’ shoes| Musicians… join the P’nai Orchestra! Endings and new beginnings...
Sat., Jan 28, 2 pm (after lunch) Beit Midrash led by Gayle Lacks, leader of the P’nai Or Tikkun Olam Council More information and suggested readings More about Tikkun Olam