Celebrations, Shabbas Shmooze, Shabbat
Sat, Nov. 11 Celebrate Us! Each of us! All of us! Torah Study 9:15 Davvenen 10:30 Lunch and Shabbos Shmooze. We will honor each of us and all of us – new members, former members and almost members! Start the day with Torah Study, then Davennen led by...
Celebrations, Children, Hanukkah-Tu B'Shvat-Purim, Holidays, Shabbas Shmooze, Shabbat
Saturday, Feb. 11, 2 pm Celebrate the Jewish New Year of the Trees To learn what to bring to the fruit and desert Seder and to print your own P’nai Or Tu B’Shevat Hagada: Although it is still wintery here in the north, the 15th day of the Hebrew month of...
Celebrations, Cultural Events, Learning Together, Shabbas Shmooze, Shabbat
THE ALEPH Listening Tour comes to Philly! October 30-31 Friday night Oct 30th for Kabbalat Shabbat at Mishkan Shalom Shabbat morning and afternoon Oct 31, at P’nai Or led by Rabbi Marcia Prager and Hazzan Jack Kessler ALEPH co-chairs Rabbi Rachel Barenblat...