5785 High Holyday Schedule
5785 Membership Form
Shanah Tovah Selichot resources
T’shuvah resources
Click here to register on Eventbrite
Our P’nai Or Philadelphia High Holydays this year reflect our desire to offer both Zoom and in-person gatherings.
This year masks are optional but with the rise in Covid-19, we encourage all non-leading participants to wear an N-95 or KN-95 mask. This will help keep us all healthy, and in Judaism, this is a mitzvah. Masks will be provided to those who need one.
The High Holydays at P’nai Or are Jewish Renewal at its best!
A gathering unlike anything you may have ever experienced unfolds every year, as P’nai Or offers High Holyday services of a different stripe to seekers of all backgrounds. Rabbi Marcia Prager co-leads these festive gatherings along with many talented P’nai Or members. From Selichot to Rosh Hashanah through Yom Kippur and on to the joys of Sukkot and Simchat Torah, we blend traditional liturgy with uplifting heart-opening poetic translations so that Hebrew and English prayers flow intertwined with each other.
The music is profound – deep, high and sweet in a way that caresses your soul. And of course, everyone is included. There is passionate prayer, quiet meditation, opportunities to reflect and do some deep inner work,time to share, to be creative and even make some new friends.
For more, read the article Putting the High Back into the High Holidays at P’nai Or to learn more about our High Holy Day services and what others have to say!
Explore deeper meaning and practice by reading Reb Marcia’s article: A Sacred Journey.
Learn why it is the custom at P’nai Or to wear white and avoid wearing leather on Yom Kippur, and to wear a tallit for Kol Nidre.
Divrey Torah
The High HolyDays at P’nai Or feature unique and inspiring Divrey Torah: Beautifully crafted teachings about the special Torah Readings for Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. Each year we post them so that they are available for YOU!
- 5777: Rich Heiberger, Rosh Hashanah D’var Torah Day 1– Hagar and Ishmael
- 5777: Maggid Melvin Metelits, Rosh Hashanah D’var Torah Day 2 – The Akedah
- 5777: Shlomo Yoel (Stuart Joel) Goldman, Yom Kippur D’var Torah – Achrei Mot
- 5779: Elissa Yaffe, Rosh Hashannah D’var Torah Day 1 – The Blessing That We Share
- 5779: Maggid Melvin Metelits, Rosh Hashannah D’var Torah Day 2 – The Akedah
- 5779: Rich Heiberger, Yom Kippur D’var Torah – Einstein and the Two Goats
- 5782: Rabbi Debra Smith, The Akeidah
- 5782: Elissa Yaffe, D’var Torah Day 1
“Never have I felt the depth and beauty of the Yom Kippur prayers as I did at P’nai Or; never have I experienced the love of G-d as I did there. As I sang and prayed through my tears, I came to the realization that this was the Judaism I was looking for: a Judaism rich in connection and holiness, a Judaism that touches the neshama, the soul, deeply and completely.”
Blessings for the Erev Rosh Hashanah Meal
We are pleased to provide you with the liturgy for the Rosh Hashanah home celebration, as recorded by Hazzan Jack Kessler:
You are welcome to download and print the blessings for Candlelighting, Kiddush, Shehecheyanu, and Apples and Honey.