We invite everyone to join us for any or all of these alternatives:
- 9:15-10:15 Reb Arthur will be guiding our usual Torah study from home in a LIVE Zoom session for discussion of this week’s parshah.
To join the conversation, please refer to your member email. - 10:30 Enjoy a prerecorded davvenen, with Reb Marcia, Tobie Hoffman and Hazzan Jack. This will include Shacharit, a short d’var and Torah service, prayers for healing and Kaddish. THEN enjoy participatory interactive Torah discussion Shabbat Shmooze style.
The Torah study (above) is live and at a specific time (9:15).
The prerecorded service lets you view, pause, and return at your leisure. It is in two parts:
The first recording includes Shacharit up to the Torah service (one and a half hours). Click here.
The second is for the Torah service, Torah reading and end of Shacharit (32 minutes). Click here.
Join the service with Rabbi Marcia Prager’s Shabbat Morning Siddur.
- 1:00 After the davennen you can participate in a separate LIVE interactive Torah discussion Shabbas Shmooze, on Zoom, hosted by Rich Heiberger.
- To join the shmooze, please refer to your member email.
A final word. Dr Cannuscio an epidemiologist at Penn shared that in creating alternatives to in-person worship all houses of worship have it in their power to save many lives. And in Judaism this is a mitzvah.
B’emunah in faith
R. Marcia, Tobie Hoffman, and Rich Heilberger