Dec. 22
5-8 pm
Our Chanukah celebration will be a wonderful event,
made even more wonderful by a return of our
Chanukah “Shuk”
(the Middle-Eastern word for Market).
The P’nai Or-chestra will play!
…bring your menorahs/chanukiyot and candles galore!
We’ll sing all our rave-fave Chankah songs… We’ll light candles…
Our “shuk” will be featuring handcrafted items, so jewelers, potters, knitters, fine artists…get ready!
Our authors will have books, musicians their CDs…
5:00 p.m shuk and music
followed by candle-lighting and songs!
Then dinner and more music
Everyone can bring our veggie potluck dinner.
Latkes are great, but everything is welcome!
Beverages too!