Sunday, Dec. 22, 5:00-8:00 p.m.
Our Chanukah celebration will be a wonderful event,
made even more wonderful by a return of our
Chanukah “Shuk”
(The Middle-Eastern word for Market).
The P’nai Or-chestra will play!
We’ll light candles...
…bring your menorahs/chanukiyot and candles galore!
We’ll sing all our rave-fave Chanukah songs…
Our “shuk” will be featuring handcrafted items, so jewelers, potters, knitters, fine artists… get ready!
Our authors will have books, musicians their CD’s…
5pm shuk and music
followed by candle-lighting and songs!
Then dinner and more music
Everyone can bring our veggie potluck dinner.
Latkes are great, but everything is welcome!
Beverages too!