What is a Tallit? How do we tie Tzitzit? ♦ Sunday Nov.22 2015 – Rabbi Marcia Prager ♦ Register at PnaiOrRabbi@aol.com ♦ Small cost to buy tzizit donations welcome for all Beit Midrash sessions
P’nai Or Beit Midrash Room (small cost to buy tzitzit) •
If you have a shawl that you want to turn into a tallit, bring it! E-mail me if you need instructions about how to sew reinforced button-holes onto the corners (yes, you need to do that). If you have a tallit and the tzitzit are old and worn, and need replacing, bring it! Or if you just want to learn how this spiritual practice is done.. come join our class.
R. Marcia will teach the sephardic/hasidic way that she learned from Reb Zalman.
Beit Midrash Classes are our gift to promote spiritually alive Jewish learning.
We invite donations-of-the heart so that we can support our teachers. Your financial contribution is welcome!