THE ALEPH Listening Tour comes to Philly! October 30-31
Friday night Oct 30th for Kabbalat Shabbat at Mishkan Shalom
Shabbat morning and afternoon Oct 31, at P’nai Or led by Rabbi Marcia Prager and Hazzan Jack Kessler
ALEPH co-chairs Rabbi Rachel Barenblat and Rabbi David Evan Markus, as part of the ALEPH / Jewish Renewal Listening Tour, are undertaking during their first year as co-chairs.
They want to hear from you:
- What does Jewish Renewal mean to you?
- What do you want Jewish Renewal to be and to become?
- What are your hopes and dreams for Jewish Renewal? And how might ALEPH be able to better help those dreams come to fruition?
Stay for our potluck lunch, a brief introduction to the Listening Tour, and an open mike which will give you the opportunity to share your vision and your voice.