ShofarDesignNavigation_BarSeptember 29, 2019

The Sweetest High Holy Days are at P’nai Or in West Mt. Airy
We gather each year for the High Holy Days in the Fellowship Hall of Summit Church, 6757 Greene St. near the corner of Westview in the West Mt. Airy neighborhood of Philadelphia.

The High Holy Days at P’nai Or are Jewish renewal at its best!  A gathering unlike anything you may have ever experienced unfolds every year, as P’nai Or offers High Holiday services of a different stripe to seekers of all backgrounds. Rabbi Marcia Prager co-leads these festive gatherings along with many talented P’nai Or members. We blend traditional liturgy with uplifting heart-opening poetic translations so that Hebrew and English prayers flow intertwined with each other.

The music is profound – deep, high and sweet in a way that caresses your soul. And of course, everyone is included. There is passionate prayer, quiet meditation, opportunities to reflect and do some deep inner work, time to share, to be creative and even make some new friends. Come be with us!!

All are welcome – come as you are! No tickets, no fees. You are invited  to P’nai Or High Holy Days whether you are a member or not! Pay our recommended donation, or anything you are moved to contribute.
Erev Rosh HaShanah –– Sunday Evening Sept. 29, 6-7 pm
A short, festive gathering for the whole community: singing, davvenen’, candle-lighting, and apples & honey.

Rosh HaShanah Day Services, with shofar and more!
Monday and Tuesday Sept. 30 and Oct. 1, 10am – 2:15 pm, with a fabulous veggie dairy potluck lunch afterwards.

A deep. sweet, musically rich, personally engaging, transformative journey into the Jewish New Year.

Yom Kippur: 
Tuesday evening, Oct. 8, 6 – 8:30 pm Evening Service/Kol Nidre 

Wednesday, Oct. 9, 10 AM – 8:30 pm All day and evening,
including Havdala and N’eila. A vegetarian/dairy potluck break-fast follows.