-Joey_Picks-8587First Thursday Feb 4 ♦ 7:30 pm ♦ Joey Weisenberg’s Spontaneous Jewish Choir Spiritual Sounds Laboratories ♦ workshop and explore new Jewish Spirituals.

 Suggested donation $10-15|

This is a chance to experience new music as it’s coming into being, and to be a part of the process of its creation. Come to join in the singing or just to listen.  Please note: this will not be a concert or a performance, but rather a communal musical/spiritual practice session.

Joey Weisenberg is Creative Director of the Hadar Center for Communal Jewish Music,  author of Building Singing Communities and Artist-in-Residence of P’nai Or Philadelphia.   He’s a multi-instrumentalist musician, singer and composer who has come to cherish the imperfectly beautiful music of normal people singing together. Joey works to empower communities to unlock their musical and spiritual potential and to make music a lasting and joy-filled force in shul and in Jewish life.  His nigunim have become popular worldwide.


…From the very first nigun I could feel something special was happening here… the authentic joy and love was tangible.  Over the course of the workshop, the teachers and the amazing group of participants began to transform my entire perspective on Jewish music, liturgy, practice, and intentional community building…”


“…wonderful music that was hauntingly beautiful and accessible. Additionally, the music had a deep sense of authentic Judaism and spiritual power.”